VVMA Foundation - About Us

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support Vermont students attending veterinary school. You can donate here, call the VVMA office at 802-878-6888 to make a credit card contribution, or make your check out to VVMAF and send it to:
VVMAF 76 Beech Street Essex Jct., VT 05452
Thanks to a generous contribution by the John Rhodes Trust, contributions from members, and to contributions from the NEVMA Conference, we are pleased to again be providing scholarship awards to Vermonters attending veterinary school. We hope to make meaningful contributions to Vermonters in the 2023/2024 academic year.
To apply for a scholarship, please visit the VVMAF scholarship application webpage.
Thank you to these VVMA members for contributing to our scholarship program in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024!
Dr. John Barlow - University of Vermont Dr. Betty Jo Black - Frog Hollow Mobile Veterinary Dr. Ruth Blauwiekel - University of Vermont, retired Dr. Janet Carini - Rutland Veterinary Clinic at Castleton Corners Drs. Jean and Eugene Ceglowski Dr. Meagan Coneeny Dr. Emily Crawford - Waterbury Veterinary Hospital Dr. Sabina Ernst - Jericho, VT Dr. Hailey Gentile - Newport Veterinary Hospital Dr. Justin Goggin - Metropolitan Veterinary Radiology Dr. Greg Goodson - Stowe Veterinary Clinic Dr. Jeanne Harding - Tanneberger Veterinary Hospital Dr. Heather Hoyns - Evergreen Equine of Vermont Dr. Selina Hunter - The Animal Doctor Dr. Robert Macpherson - Rutland Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center Dr. John McDermott - Granville Veterinary Service Dr. Susan McMillan - Vet to Pet Mobile & Old North Ed Veterinary Service Dr. Dana Meehan - in memory of Dr. John Mulnix, in honor of Dr. Michelle Thomas Dr. Erin Nelson - Wood Pond Veterinary Service Dr. Lisa Nelson - Retired - in memory of Dr. Arthur Greiner Dr. H. Clinton Reichard - Retired Dr. Michelle Ross Dr. Laurie Schneski - Brattleboro Veterinary Clinic - in honor of Drs. Ceglowski Dr. Heather Skilling - Mobile Vet Dr. Julie Smith - UVM Dr. Gary Sturgis - Retired - in appreciation/honor of Kathy Finnie Dr. Ronald Veenema - Retired Dr. Sarah White - Spay ASAP Dr. Asya Zolutusky - Milton Veterinary Hospital
Why Give to the VVMAF? The educational debt of 2016 veterinary school graduates was $167,535, and 20% of them had debts over $200,000! It is difficult for graduates seeking their first job to carry such a large financial burden on top of all their other living expenses. We want to lessen their debt load and help Vermonters reach their goal of becoming veterinarians. This is a great opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of future Vermont veterinarians and we hope you'll be a part of it! Your contribution is tax-deductible.
Here are some present VVMA members who received past Foundation awards as veterinary students! Kyle Bushee - Aeolus Animal and Equine Hospital Emily Comstock - Maple Hill Veterinary Service Megan Foy - Danville Veterinary Hospital Dr. Brit Shorter - Burlington Emergency & Veterinary Specialists Adrienne Snider - Green Mountain Animal Hospital Melissa Trayah - Petit Brook Veterinary Clinic
Questions? Contact the VVMA at 802-878-6888 or i[email protected].