Service Animals

Peacocks and pigs being presented to airlines as emotional support animals. Dogs at the salad bar in the grocery store. And just what is a therapy dog?
Situations and questions like these are coming up more frequently all the time, as animal-loving Americans would like to take their pets with them everywhere. But which animals actually have the right to go into public places? And what problems might be resulting from confusion?
The VVMA’s One Health Committee has developed several easy-to-follow printable infographics on the subject of assistance animals. These infographics, available for use by all, are designed to be printed on legal or ledger size paper but can also be printed on regular size paper.
To learn more about
•Service animals
•Emotional support animals
•Animal-assisted intervention
•Federal rights of access for these animals
follow the links below:
Guidance for Retail Establishments: Assistance Animals and Federal Rights of Access – tailored to give information about rights of access, or lack thereof, of assistance animals in retail businesses (VVMA 3/18)